Arum hygrophilum

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Arum hygrophilum, a spring-flowering perennial native to North Africa and the Middle. East, with a disrupted distribution that covers. Israel to Syria with outliers in Morocco and Cyprus. Its flower stems are usually 30-45cm tall but can reach 70cm. In a mild climate it can be in bloom from mid-winter until early summer. arum-2367htm'>Arum.

Arum hygrophilum, a spring-flowering perennial native to North Africa and the Middle. East, with a disrupted distribution that covers. Israel to Syria with outliers in Morocco and Cyprus. Its flower stems are usually 30-45cm tall but can reach 70cm. In a mild climate it can be in bloom from mid-winter until early summer. arum-2367htm'>Arum.


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ID: CFGw092.jpg






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