Cabbage Tree Dieback

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Since the mid-1980s, the New Zealand cabbage tree (Cordyline australis) has been experiencing a decline in many areas of New Zealand due to a fungal dieback disease, Candidatus phytoplasma. It starts out in the foliage heads, causing a slow yellowing and eventually showing up as a white deposit at the base of the leaves as the crown becomes soft and pulpy before dying. One the foliage disappears, the stems die back and the bark peels off to reveal the fungus below. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases</a>

Since the mid-1980s, the New Zealand cabbage tree (Cordyline australis) has been experiencing a decline in many areas of New Zealand due to a fungal dieback disease, Candidatus phytoplasma. It starts out in the foliage heads, causing a slow yellowing and eventually showing up as a white deposit at the base of the leaves as the crown becomes soft and pulpy before dying. One the foliage disappears, the stems die back and the bark peels off to reveal the fungus below. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases


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ID: CFGcg61.jpg






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