Sedum rubrotinctum Aurora

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Aurora'. Jelly Bean Plant (Sedum rubrotinctum 'Aurora'), an especially brightly coloured cultivar of a low, spreading, very fleshy leaved succulent native to California and Mexico. It colours best in full sun, developing red and orange tones, which together with their shape and size give the plant its common name. The sprays of small yellow flowers appear mainly in spring. sedum-2492htm'>Sedum. <a href='crassulaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Crassulaceae</a>.

Aurora'. Jelly Bean Plant (Sedum rubrotinctum 'Aurora'), an especially brightly coloured cultivar of a low, spreading, very fleshy leaved succulent native to California and Mexico. It colours best in full sun, developing red and orange tones, which together with their shape and size give the plant its common name. The sprays of small yellow flowers appear mainly in spring. sedum-2492htm'>Sedum. Crassulaceae.


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