Rust on Daisy Leaves

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Rust fungus (order. Uredinales) on the upper leaf surfaces of the common lawn daisy (Bellis perennis). Rusts usually pass through several spore stages and tend to be wind distributed. Such fungal diseases can cause difficulties when cultivating the ornamental forms of these daisies. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases</a>

Rust fungus (order. Uredinales) on the upper leaf surfaces of the common lawn daisy (Bellis perennis). Rusts usually pass through several spore stages and tend to be wind distributed. Such fungal diseases can cause difficulties when cultivating the ornamental forms of these daisies. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases


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ID: CFGf503.jpg






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